Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Specialization

  • Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science
  • Philosophy of Race and Feminism
  • Applied Ethics (esp. Prejudice and Discrimination)
  • Social and Political Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Social Science

Areas of Competence

  • Phenomenology
  • Introduction to Philosophy through Classic Western Literature


DatePlace of Employment & Position
2024 – Co-Director, Digital Humanities Consortium
Cal Poly Pomona
2020 – Director, California Center for Ethics & Policy
Cal Poly Pomona
2020 – California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Associate Professor
2016 – 2020California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Assistant Professor
2015 – 2016California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Visiting Professor
2014 – 2015Vassar College
Visiting Assistant Professor
2012 – 2014University of California, Berkeley
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow


DateAcademic Institution & Degree Earned
2004 – 2012Columbia University (New York)
PhD, Philosophy
Date Earned: October 2012
Dissertation: The Hidden Mechanisms of Prejudice: Implicit Bias & Interpersonal Fluency
Committee: Christia Mercer (adviser), Patricia Kitcher, Taylor Carman, Tamar Szabó Gendler, Virginia Valian

MPhil, Philosophy
Date Earned: 2009

MA, Philosophy
Date Earned: 2005
2000 – 2004Tufts University (Medford, MA)
BA, Philosophy and English, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa


List of Publications

2025Brownstein, Michael, Alex Madva, and Daniel Kelly. (In press). Somebody Should Do Something: How Anyone Can Help Create Social Change. MIT Press.
2025Madva, Alex. Biases That Won’t Budge? Implicit Ageism, or Explicit Gerontocracy? Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
2024Madva, Alex, Daniel Kelly, and Michael Brownstein. Change the People or Change the Policy? On the Moral Education of Antiracists. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (1): 91–110.
2023Madva, Alex, Katherine Gasdaglis, and Shannon Doberneck. Duties of Social Identity? Intersectional Objections to Sen’s Identity Politics. Inquiry, October, 1–31.
2023Madva, Alex. From Falsehood to Truth, and From Truth to Error. Analysis 83 (2): 405–16. Critical notice of Puddifoot, Katherine. 2021. How Stereotypes Deceive Us. Oxford.
2023Madva, Alex. Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One before: The Chomskyan Hammer and the Skinnerian Nail. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46 (September): 52-4.
Commentary on Quilty-Dunn, Jake, Nicolas Porot, and Eric Mandelbaum. “The Best Game in Town: The Re-Emergence of the Language of Thought Hypothesis Across the Cognitive Sciences.” BBS 2023
2023Madva, Alex, Michael Brownstein, and Daniel Kelly. It’s Always Both: Changing Individuals Requires Changing Systems and Changing Systems Requires Changing Individuals. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46: 52-4.
Commentary on Chater, Nick, and George Loewenstein. 2023. “The I-Frame and the s-Frame: How Focusing on Individual-Level Solutions Has Led Behavioral Public Policy Astray.” BBS 2023.
2022Brownstein, Michael, Daniel Kelly, and Alex Madva. Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change. Environmental Communication 16 (2): 269–88.
2022Thacker, Ian, Viviane Seyranian, Alex Madva, and Paul Beardsley. STEM Faculty’s Support of Togetherness during Mandated Separation: Accommodations, Caring, Crisis Management, and Powerlessness. Education Sciences 12 (9): 632.
2022Madva, Alex. Shadowboxing with Social Justice Warriors. A Review of Endre Begby’s Prejudice: A Study in Non-Ideal Epistemology. Philosophical Psychology.
2022Gawronski, Bertram, Michael S. Brownstein, and Alex Madva. How Should We Think About Implicit Measures and Their Empirical ‘Anomalies’? Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science, e1590.
2022Thacker, Ian, Viviane Seyranian, Alex Madva, Nicole T. Duong, and Paul Beardsley. Social Connectedness in Physical Isolation: Online Teaching Practices That Support Under-Represented Undergraduate Students’ Feelings of Belonging and Engagement in STEM. Education Sciences, 12(2), 61–82.
2022Brownstein, Michael, Daniel Kelly, and Alex Madva. Taking Social Psychology out of Context. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45 (May): e71.
Commentary on Cesario, Joseph. 2021. “What Can Experimental Studies of Bias Tell Us about Real-World Group Disparities?” The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45 (e66): 1–71.
2021Cholbi, Michael, and Alex Madva. Can Capital Punishment Survive if Black Lives Matter? In Michael Cholbi, Brandon Hogan, Alex Madva, & Benjamin S. Yost (Eds.), The Movement for Black Lives: Philosophical Perspectives.
2020Integration, Community, and the Medical Model of Social Injustice. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 37(2), 211–232.
2020Resistance Training. The Philosophers’ Magazine, (91), 40–45.
2020Beeghly, Erin, and Alex Madva. Introducing Implicit Bias: Why This Book Matters. In Erin Beeghly & Alex Madva (Eds.), An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind (1st ed., 1–19).
2020Individual and Structural Interventions. In Erin Beeghly & Alex Madva (Eds.), An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind (1st ed., 233–270).
2020Gasdaglis, Katherine, and Alex Madva. Intersectionality as a Regulative Ideal. Ergo, an Open Access Journal of Philosophy, 6(44), 1287–1330.
2020Brownstein, Michael, Alex Madva, and Bertram Gawronski. Understanding Implicit Bias: Putting the Criticism into Perspective. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 101(2), 276–307.
2020Implicit Bias. In Hugh LaFollette (Ed.), Ethics in practice: an anthology (Fifth edition, 413–421). Wiley.
(Note: this is a shortened and student-oriented revision of “Implicit Bias, Moods, and Moral Responsibility.”)
2019Equal Rights for Zombies?: Phenomenal Consciousness and Responsible Agency. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 26(5–6), 117–140.
2019The Inevitability of Aiming for Virtue. In Benjamin R. Sherman & Goguen Stacey (Eds.), Overcoming Epistemic Injustice: Social and Psychological Perspectives (85–100). Rowman & Littlefield International.
2019Social Psychology, Phenomenology, and the Indeterminate Content of Unreflective Racial Bias. In Emily S. Lee (Ed.), Race as Phenomena: Between Phenomenology and Philosophy of Race (87–106). Rowman & Littlefield International.
2019Brownstein, Michael, Alex Madva, and Bertram Gawronski. (2019). What do implicit measures measure? WIREs Cognitive Science, 10(5), 1–13.
2019Book Review: Mark Fedyk, The Social Turn in Moral Psychology. The Philosophical Review, 128(1), 116–121.
2019Seyranian, Viviane, Alex Madva, Nicole Duong, Nina Abramzon, Yoi Tibbetts, and Judith M Harackiewicz. (2018). The longitudinal effects of STEM identity and gender on flourishing and achievement in college physics. International Journal of STEM Education, 5(40), 1–14.
2018Implicit Bias, Moods, and Moral Responsibility. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 99(S1), 53–78.
2018Cholbi, Michael, and Alex Madva. Black Lives Matter and the Call for Death Penalty Abolition. Ethics, 128(3), 517–544.
2018Madva, Alex, and Michael Brownstein. Stereotypes, Prejudice, and the Taxonomy of the Implicit Social Mind. Noûs, 52(3), 611–644.
2017Del Pinal, Guillermo, Alex Madva, and Kevin Reuter. (2017). Stereotypes, Conceptual Centrality and Gender Bias: An Empirical Investigation. Ratio, 30(4), 384–410.
2017Biased against Debiasing: On the Role of (Institutionally Sponsored) Self-Transformation in the Struggle against Prejudice. Ergo, an Open Access Journal of Philosophy, 4(6), 145–179.
2016A Plea for Anti-Anti-Individualism: How Oversimple Psychology Misleads Social Policy. Ergo, an Open Access Journal of Philosophy, 3(27), 701–728.
2016Why implicit attitudes are (probably) not beliefs. Synthese, 193(8), 2659–2684.
2016Implicit Bias and Latina/os in Philosophy. APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, 16(1), 8–15.
2016Virtue, Social Knowledge, and Implicit Bias. In Michael Brownstein & Jennifer Saul (Eds.), Implicit Bias and Philosophy: Metaphysics and Epistemology: Volume 1 (191–215). Retrieved from
2012Brownstein, Michael, and Alex Madva. (2012). The Normativity of Automaticity. Mind & Language, 27(4), 410–434.
2012Brownstein, Michael, and Alex Madva. (2012). Ethical Automaticity. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 42(1), 68–98.

Edited Volumes

2021Hogan, Brandon, Cholbi, Michael, Madva, Alex, & Yost, Benjamin S. (Eds.). (2021). The Movement for Black Lives: Philosophical Perspectives. Retrieved from
2020Beeghly, Erin, & Madva, Alex (Eds.). (2020). An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind.

Other Writing & Media Engagement

2021-Securing Justice: A CCEP Podcast on Housing Insecurity in California. Co-produced with Cory Aragon, Brady Collins, Richard Garippo, and Cal Poly Pomona’s MediaVision. Launched September 6, 2021.
2022Drabinski, John E. 2022. “Alex Madva, Vanessa Wills, Ian Olasov, and Dana Miranda on The Movement for Black Lives: Philosophical Perspectives.” Conversations in Atlantic Theory.
2021How Does It Feel to Be a Problem? Directed by Thomas Keith. 2021. 91 minutes. Interviewed about implicit bias.
2021Madva, Alex. 2021. “(What) Are Stereotyping and Discrimination? (What) Do We Want Them to Be?Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (11): 43–51.
Commentary on Beeghly, Erin. (2021.) “Stereotyping as Discrimination: Why Thoughts Can Be Discriminatory.” Social Epistemology 35 (6): 547–63.
2021Brownstein, Michael, Daniel Kelly, and Alex Madva. 2021. “Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change.” Climate Matters: The Blog of the American Philosophical Association. November 18, 2021.
2021Brownstein, Michael, Alex Madva, and Daniel R. Kelly. (Forthcoming). “Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change.” One-Planet Talking Blog. International Environmental Communication Association (IECA).
2021Aceytuno, Xol. (2021, August 31). Project Mailbox expected to arrive later this semester. The Poly Post. Retrieved from
2020Moody, Michael. September 29 2020. “Implicit Biases: The Undercurrent of Social Injustices with Dr. Madva.” The Elements of Being 20. Podcast interview. 72 minutes.
2020Gonzalez, Blanca. September 21 2020. “CPP Prepares for 2020 Election.” The Poly Post.
2020Muthukumar, Akila. July 22 2020. “Ending Capital Punishment Before Another Life Is Lost.” Harvard Political Review.
2020Vardon, Susan Gill. June 24 2020. “CSUF, UCI and Cal Poly Pomona Professors Team up for Study to Fight Bias, Racism in Social Media.” Orange County Register.
2020Madva, Alex. May 29 2020. “Structural Change, Individual Change, and Four-Story Walkups.” Justice Everywhere(blog).
2020Madva, Alex. July 14 2020. “Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind.” Imperfect Cognitions (blog).
2018Ethics Discussion at PEA Soup: Michael Cholbi and Alex Madva’s, “Black Lives Matter and the Call for Death Penalty Abolition,” with a critical précis by Erin Kelly (blog). April 18, 2018. * Tied for 2nd place in PEA Soup blog’s 2018 “Best Discussion Originators” Award.
2018Lopez, Melissa. April 10 2018. “KRS-ONE Headlines ‘Cut the Bias.’” The Poly Post (blog).
2017Madva, Alex. March 6 2017. “Replies to Saray Ayala-López, Sally Haslanger, and Jennifer Saul.” The Brains Blog. Ergo Symposium on “A Plea for Anti-Anti-Individualism.”
2017Schwenkler, John, Michael Brownstein, Nick Byrd, Jules Holroyd, Neil Levy, Edouard Machery, Alex Madva, Shannon Spaulding, and Chandra Sripada. January 17 2017. “What Can We Learn from the Implicit Association Test? A Brains Blog Roundtable.” The Brains Blog (blog).
2016Madva, Alex. April 15 2016. “Stereotyping, Rationality, & the Cognitive Architecture of Virtue.” The Brains Blog(blog).

In Preparation

Under Review“Implicit Ageism: Biases That Won’t Budge?” (preparing resubmission after minor revisions)
In Prep“Fairness, Accuracy, and Algorithms”
In Prep““A Utility Value Intervention to Support Undergraduate Student Interest, Engagement, and Achievement in Calculus and Calculus-Based Physics,” with Viviane Seyranian, Ian Thacker, Nina Abramzon, and Paul Beardsley.
In Prep“What We Still Don’t Know about ‘How Mental Systems Believe’: Gilbert’s Spinozan Theory Reconsidered.”
In Prep“Our Best Guess of What the People Are Like,” with Martin Jonsson.


2025National Endowment for the Humanities, Awards for Faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions,
Forming Beliefs in an Era of Misinformation (Book Project). $60,000.
2023 – 2024José A. Gómez College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences Faculty Excellence Award
Cal Poly Pomona
2012 – 2014Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship,
University of California, Berkeley
2012 – 2013Townsend Fellow,
University of California, Berkeley
2010 – 2011Columbia University Core Curriculum Preceptorship
2009 – 2011Benjamin Wolstein Fellowship
2005, 2009Columbia University Summer Fellowship
2004 – 2009Columbia University Faculty Fellowship

Grants & Fundraising

2024 – 2027Co-Director, inaugural Provost’s Award for Emerging Technologies to create Digital Humanities Consortium, Cal Poly Pomona. $300,000.
2025 SpringResearch, Scholarship, and Creative Activities grant, Chancellor’s Office, Cal Poly Pomona, “Forming Beliefs in an Era of Misinformation.” $7,089.
2025 SpringTeacher-Scholar Support Program, Cal Poly Pomona. $7,089.
2024Alumni fundraising to endow the Bernard and Lucie Bidart California Center for Ethics & Policy Student Fellowship. $110,000.
2024 FallExceptional Service to Students, Chancellor’s Office, Cal Poly Pomona. $6,483.
2022 – 2023Co-PI, Special Projects for Improving the Classroom Experience (SPICE) grant, “Migration Justice Seminar: Developing a Student-Centered Podcast.” $24,700.
2022 SpringTeacher-Scholar Support Program, Cal Poly Pomona. $6,483.
2021Co-PI, California Humanities Grant, “Securing Justice: The Ethics and Lived Experience of California Housing Insecurity,” with Co-PIs Brady Collins (Poli Sci, CPP), Cory Aragon (Philosophy, CPP), and Michael Woo (Former Dean of College of Environmental Design, CPP). Panel & Podcast Series. $20,000 for Spring 2021.
2018 – 2023Senior Personnel, NSF grant for Hispanic-Serving Institutions, “Building Capacity: Polytechnic for All: STEM Undergraduate Success via an Inclusive institutiON (PASSION),” under the direction of Paul M. Beardsley, Arlo Caine, Angela C. Shih, Victoria Bhavsar, and Viviane Seyranian. $1,479,959.Columbia University Core Curriculum Preceptorship
2021Office of Undergraduate Research, Faculty Fellow. $4,500.
2021Teacher-Scholar Support Program, Cal Poly Pomona. $6,483.
2020Office of Undergraduate Research, Faculty Fellow. $4,500.
2019Office of Undergraduate Research, Faculty Fellow. $4,322.
2019Teacher-Scholar Support Program, Cal Poly Pomona. $6,483.
2018Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities grant, Chancellor’s Office, Cal Poly Pomona, “Learning by Utilizing: How Reflecting on the Personal Relevance of Class Material Promotes ‘Learning Through Discovery.’” $5,432.

Presentations, Conferences, and Bias Training

See my CV for an updated list of presentations


April 2022“The Interdependence of Individual and Structural Change,” with Michael Brownstein and Daniel Kelly, Invited Symposium on Social Change, Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.
April 2022“Fairness, Accuracy, and Algorithms,” Invited Symposium on Attention & Vigilance, Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association, Vancouver.
April 2022“STEM Faculty’s Support of Togetherness During Mandated Separation: Accommodations, Caring, Crisis Management, and Powerlessness,” with Ian Thacker, Viviane Seyranian, Nicole Duong, and Paul Beardsley. Roundtable Session, “Student-Teacher Relationships in Diverse Contexts: Relationships, Relatedness, and Support,” American Education Research Association, San Diego.
Jan 2022“Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Student Government,” Cal State Student Association (CSSA).
Jan 2022“Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Higher Education,” faculty workshop, Cal State Maritime.


Nov 2021“Day of the Advisor Breakout Session: How to Overcome Bias in Academic Advising: Thinking Through Concrete Scenarios,” Cal Poly Pomona.
Aug 2021“Confronting Bias and Discrimination,” Keynote Address, Inaugural Conference, Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination (CEPDISC), Aarhus University, Denmark.
Aug 2021“Calibrated Expectations and Open Questions for Implicit Bias Research,” Implicit Bias and the Replication Crisis, Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination (CEPDISC), Aarhus University, Denmark.
Aug 2021“Connectedness in Isolation: A Qualitative Study of Belonging in STEM During the Onset of COVID-19,” Thacker, I., Seyranian, V., Duong, N., Spata, A., Nieblas, F., Madva, A., & Beardsley, P. American Psychological Association virtual conference (*poster delivered by Ian Thacker).
Aug 2021“Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change,” with Michael Brownstein and Daniel Kelly, Mind, Language, and Social Change Conference, Knoll Farm, VT.
Aug 2021“Duties of Social Identity? Intersectional Objections to Sen’s Identity Politics” with Shannon Doberneck and Katherine Gasdaglis, Mind, Language, and Social Change Conference, Knoll Farm, VT.
June 2021“Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Higher Education,” at two workshops (1: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group; 2: Executive Committee), Cal State Maritime.
June 2021“Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change,” with Michael Brownstein and Daniel Kelly, Philosophy and the Climate Crisis, Virtual Conference.
April 2021Comment, on “Merleau-Ponty on Hallucination and Skepticism,” Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association, San Francisco.
April 2021“Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change,” with Michael Brownstein and Daniel Kelly, CUNY Workshop on Individual and Structural Change, Virtual.
April 2021Comment, on “Merleau-Ponty on Hallucination and Skepticism,” Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association.
March 2021“Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change,” with Michael Brownstein and Daniel Kelly, Purdue Building Sustainable Communities Open Monthly Gathering, Virtual.
March 2021“Diversity and Inclusive Leadership,” virtual presentation and workshop for Leadership Development Program, Chancellor’s Office, CSU.
March 2021“Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change,” with Michael Brownstein and Daniel Kelly, Cal Poly Pomona Philosophy Colloquium, Virtual.
Feb 2021Comment, on “Explaining Oppression: An Argument Against Individualism,” Central Division, American Philosophical Association.
Feb 2021“Understanding & Overcoming Implicit Bias in Academic Advising,” Office of Student Success, Cal Poly Pomona.


Oct 2020“Implicit Bias, Knowledge, and Experimental Philosophy,” with Erin Beeghly, Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination (CEPDISC), Aarhus University, Denmark.
Oct 2020“Intersectionality as a Regulative Ideal,” with Katherine Gasdaglis, Feminist Epistemology Graduate Seminar, UC-Berkeley.
Sep 2020 “Understanding & Overcoming Implicit Bias,” presentation to First-Year Honors College Students, Cal Poly Pomona.
Aug 2020“Understanding & Overcoming Implicit Bias through Inclusive Leadership,” CSU Executive Leadership Program.
Jul, Aug 2020“Coming Together in Unity & Understanding,” facilitated two conversations about implicit bias for employees in the CSU Chancellor’s Office.
July 2020“Overcoming Implicit Bias” and “Overcoming Stereotype Threat & Impostor Syndrome.” Recorded lectures and designed surveys as contributions to Fearless Classroom online curriculum for instructors, Cal Poly Pomona.
June 2020“Understanding & Overcoming Implicit Bias in Higher Education and the Workplace,” CSU’s Got Talent. Webcast with 770 attendees. Watch Presentation
Spring 2020Interviewer, Project PASSION. Interviewed 12 CPP instructors about teaching experiences and perceptions of student belonging and success during transition to online learning in Spring 2020.


Dec 2019Panel, “Ethical Dimensions to AI and Big Data Research and Development,” Research Methods and Data Science (RMDS) Global Annual Conference, Innovative Methods with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, CA.
Nov 2019CSU-wide Implicit Bias Training for Title IX Coordinators and Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Administrators, Cal State Dominguez Hills.
Oct 2019“Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Recruitment for Higher Education,” three presentations for Extended Cabinet, Academic Senate, and Diversity Learning Series, Cal State Monterey Bay.
Sep 2019“Combating Implicit Bias: How to Act Fairly in an Unfair World,” Philosophy Department Colloquium Series, University of Minnesota, Morris.
May 2019“Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Faculty Hiring,” at four Faculty Recruitment Workshops, attended by all faculty search committees, Cal Poly Pomona.
April 2019“Cultural Sensitivity and Implicit Bias,” Keynote Address, Systemwide Human Resources leadership meeting, California State University, Chancellor’s Office, Long Beach.
March 2019 “Situations, Structures, and Epistemic Justice: The Inevitability of Aiming for Virtue,” Keynote Address, Tennessee Value and Agency Conference on “Obstacles to agency?” University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
March 2019Understanding & Overcoming Implicit Bias in the CSU,” systemwide webcast presentation, 2019 CSU Certificate Program in Student Success Analytics, Chancellor’s Office, Long Beach. Video is here.
March 2019“Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Education,” Keynote Address, National Association for Developmental Education, Atlanta.
Feb 2019“Intersectionality as a Regulative Ideal,” with Katherine Gasdaglis, Central Division, American Philosophical Association, Denver.
Jan 2019“The longitudinal effects of STEM identity and gender on flourishing and achievement in college physics,” Viviane Seyranian, Alex Madva, Nicole Duong, Nina Abramzon, Yoi Tibbetts, and Judith M. Harackiewicz 4th Western Positive Psychology Association conference, Claremont Graduate University, California (*presentation delivered by Viviane Seyranian).


Nov 2018“Intersectionality as a Regulative Ideal: Understanding the Complexity of Identity in Politics & Social Science,” with Katherine Gasdaglis, Philosophy Department Colloquium Series, Pomona College.
Nov 2018 “Approaching Difference: Intercultural Confrontation and Collaboration,” Public Lecture, International Education Week, Cal Poly Pomona.
July 2018“The Role of Affect and Motivation in Norm-Based Interventions for Social Change,” Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Michigan (*accepted poster but could not attend).
June 2018 “Responsibility for Interpreting Implicit Bias,” Non-Ideal Social Ontology III, Stockholm University and the Institute for Futures Studies.
April 2018“Social Norms, Social Experience, and the Nature of Contemporary Racial Bias,” 2017-2018 Philosophy Department Colloquium Series, Wake Forest University, NC.
March 2018Comment, on “An Expertise Defense via Armchair Physics,” Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association, San Diego.
Feb 2018“The Inevitability of Aiming for Virtue,” with Jennifer Kanyuk, Central Division, American Philosophical Association, Chicago, invited symposium.
Jan 2018“Equal Rights for Zombies? Phenomenal Consciousness and Responsible Agency,” Eastern Division, American Philosophical Association, Savannah.


Nov 2017 “Social Norms, Social Experience, and the Indeterminate Content of Implicit Racial Bias,” Prejudice: Intersecting Methods and Perspectives, Washington University, St. Louis.
Nov 2017 “Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Higher Education,” training lecture, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Denver.
Oct 2017 “The Inevitability of Aiming for Virtue,” with Jennifer Kanyuk, poster presentation at Bias in Context #4: Psychological and Structural Explanations of Injustice, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Oct 2017 “Intersectionality as a Regulative Ideal: Understanding the Complexity of Identity in Politics & Social Science,” Who’s Got the Power? Philosophical Critique of Social and Political Structures, the University of Iceland, Reykjavik.
Aug 2017“Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in the Classroom,” Keynote Speaker, High-Impact Teaching Symposium, San Diego State.
Jun 2017 “Meta-Analyses and Predicting Behavior: In Defense of Implicit Attitude Measures,” with Michael Brownstein and Bertram Gawronski, Society for Philosophy & Psychology, Baltimore.
May 2017 “Duties of Social Identity?  Intersectional Objections to Sen’s Identity Politics,” with Shannon Doberneck, Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable, Vancouver.
May 2017 “Values Affirmation: Empowering Minority Students Towards Academic Success,” with Viviane Seyranian, Nina Abramzon, Nicole Duong, Yoi Tibbetts, and Judith Harackiewicz; poster presentation, California STEM INCLUDES 2017, hosted by UC Irvine in Anaheim, CA.
May 2017“Reducing Achievement Gaps & Increasing Belonging,” and “Understanding Bias: Causes and Effects of  Intergroup Bias in Higher Education,” 2017 Climate Summit for Philosophy Departments in Southern California CSUs, Northridge.
April 2017Comment, on “Dilemmaism Defended,” Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association, Seattle, WA.
April 2017Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Higher Education,” California State University, Northridge.
April 2017 “Values Affirmation: Empowering Minority Students Towards Academic Success,” with Viviane Seyranian, Nina Abramzon, Nicole Duong, Yoi Tibbetts, and Judith Harackiewicz; poster presentation, 2017 Breaking Boundaries in STEM Education Research, Loyola Marymount University, LA.
March 2017Replies to Sally Haslanger, Jennifer Saul, and Saray Ayala, in Brains Blog Symposium on “A Plea for Anti-Anti-Individualism: How Oversimple Psychology Misleads Social Policy.”
March 2017 “A Plea for Anti-Anti-Individualism: How Oversimple Psychology Misleads Social Policy,” Central Division, American Philosophical Association, Kansas City, MO.
Feb 2017“Understanding Bias: Causes and Effects of Intergroup Bias in Higher Education,” and “Overcoming Bias: Individual and Institutional Reforms,” Implicit Bias Workshops, University of Nevada, Reno.


Sep 2016“A Plea for Anti-Anti-Individualism: How Oversimple Psychology Misleads Social Policy,” Bias in Context Conference, University of Sheffield, UK.
Aug 2016“Conceptual Centrality and Gender Bias: An Empirical Investigation,” with Guillermo Del Pinal and Kevin Reuter, European Society for Philosophy & Psychology, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
June 2016“Affective Consciousness and Moral Responsibility,” European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions, Athens, Greece.
April 2016“Conceptual Centrality and Gender Bias: An Empirical Investigation,” with Guillermo Del Pinal and Kevin Reuter, Ratio Conference and Conference of Experimental Philosophy, University of Reading, UK.
March 2016“Intersectionality as a Regulative Ideal,” with Katherine Gasdaglis, Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable, University of South Florida, Tampa.
March 2016Comment, on “What is Denial?” Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, CA.


Oct 2015“Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Higher Education,” California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA.
Sep 2015Comment, on “Explaining Injustice in Speech: Individualistic vs. Structural Explanation,” by Saray Ayala, Minds Online Conference.
June 2015Comment, on “Children’s Testimonial Learning: Is Ignorance an Epistemic Sin?” by Tamar Kushnir & Melissa Koenig, Society for Philosophy & Psychology, Duke University, NC.
April 2015“Duties of Social Identity?  Intersectional Objections to Sen’s Identity Politics,” with Shannon Doberneck, Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association, Vancouver.


July 2014 “The Blurry Boundary between Stereotyping and Evaluation in Implicit Cognition,” with Michael Brownstein, Inaugural Conference of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions, The New University of Lisbon, Portugal.
May 2014Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias in Higher Education,” California State University, East Bay.
April 2014“A Plea for Anti-Anti-Individualism: How Oversimple Psychological Models Mislead Social Predictions,” Bay Area Forum for Law and Ethics (BAFFLE), University of California, Berkeley.
April 2014“The Blurry Boundary between Stereotyping and Evaluation in Implicit Cognition,” with Michael Brownstein, Emotions and Emotionality Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
Feb 2014“The Blurry Boundary between Stereotyping and Evaluation in Implicit Cognition,” with Michael Brownstein, Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Charleston, SC.


Sep 2013“Biased Against De-Biasing: On the Role of (Institutionally Sponsored) Self-Transformation in the Struggle Against Prejudice,” Culture, Diversity, & Intergroup Relations Lab, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.
Sep 2013Participant, Person Memory Interest Group, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, CA.
Aug 2013“Biased Against De-Biasing: On the Role of (Institutionally Sponsored) Self-Transformation in the Struggle Against Prejudice,” Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, Boulder, CO.
April 2013“Biased Against De-Biasing: On the Role of (Institutionally Sponsored) Self-Transformation in the Struggle Against Prejudice,” Implicit Bias, Philosophy, & Psychology, University of Sheffield, UK.
March 2013 “Implicit Bias, Moods, and Moral Responsibility,” Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association, San Francisco.
March 2013 “Implicit Bias, Moods, and Moral Responsibility,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Austin, TX.


Dec 2012 “The Structure of Implicit Social Attitudes,” Eastern Division, American Philosophical Association, Atlanta.
Nov 2012“Old Habits Die Easy: On the Formation and Change of Implicit Social Attitudes,” Berkeley Undergraduate Philosophy Forum, University of California, Berkeley.
Oct 2012“Virtue, Social Knowledge, and Implicit Bias,” New School for Social Research, New York.
Sep 2012“Virtue, Social Knowledge, and Implicit Bias,” The Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities, University of California, Berkeley.
Aug 2012“Planning Is for Associating: Implementation Intentions, Affect, and Associative Processes,” Symposium on Affect and Implementation Intentions, European  Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Institute of Philosophy, London.
April 2012“Virtue, Social Knowledge, and Implicit Bias,” Workshop on the Epistemological Implications of Implicit Bias, University of Sheffield.


Dec 2011 Invited Participant, Workshop on the Nature of Implicit Bias, University 
Nov 2011Comment, on “The Temporal Vagueness of Action,” by Chauncey Maher, Time and Agency conference, George Washington University.
July 2011 “Ethical Automaticity: On Praiseworthy Automatic Action,” with Michael Brownstein, European and American Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal.
April 2011Session Chair, “Alief and Memory,” Society for  Philosophy and Psychology.

 “Alief and Affordance: The Normativity of Automaticity,” with Michael Brownstein, Pacific Division, American Philosophical Association, San Diego.
Feb 2011“Alief and Affordance: The Normativity of Automaticity,” with Michael Brownstein, Harvard University Philosophical Psychology Laboratory.
Jan 2011“Understanding and Undoing Implicit Social Prejudice,” Unreflective Cognition and Action Lab, New Jersey Institute of Technology.


Dec 2009“Wittgenstein, the Psychology of Unconscious Bias, and the Publicity of Moral Experience,” Wittgenstein Workshop, New School for Social Research.

Academic Service (see my CV for an updated list)

As Director of the California Center for Ethics and Policy (CCEP):

2021 OctOrganized Guest Speaker, Caroline Arruda, “Why moral actions cannot be habitual”
2021 SpringCo-organized Panel and Speaker Series on California Housing Insecurity (with Cory Aragon, Brady Collins, and Michael Woo)
2021 May: The Physical Legacy of Racism: Redlining and the Modern Built Environment. Speakers: Anthony Orlando, Brian An, Seva Rodnyansky.
2021 Apr: Racial Gaps in Homeownership, Income, and Savings (and Why They Matter). Panelists: Anaid Yerena, Lori Gay, Gary Painter.
2021 Mar: The Eviction Crisis on the Horizon: Rent Relief and Pandemic Recovery in California. Panelists: Gary Blasi, Pamela Agustin, Faizah Malik, Brady Collins.
2021 Feb: Representations of Place, Home, and Security. Panelists: Jeremiah Hammerling, Alvaro Marquez, Marike Splint, Rennie Tang.
2021 Jan: Housing Justice: From Trump to Biden. Panelists: Joan Ling, Kristina Meshelski, Thomas Safran, Joe Donlin, Anthony Orlando.
2020 OctVirtual Election Fair. Online conference for CPP students and wider community to interact with local political candidates, campaign activists, and election experts.
Oct – Nov
2020 Oct-Nov CCEP Reading Group on Andrea Gibbons’ City of Segregation: 100 Years of Struggle for Housing in Los Angeles. Virtual reading group open to the public.
2020 – Organized CCEP Speaker Series:

2020 Oct: Ryan Jenkins, “Disruption and the Backfire Objection to Predictive Policing”
2020 Oct: Jennifer Kling, “Who’s Responsible for Refugee Justice?
2020 Sep: Jennifer Morton, “The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility”
2020 Mar: Dominic Tierney, “Why Does America Keep Losing Wars?”
2020 – Webmaster, CCEP

Committees and Administration

2021 –Weglyn Advisory Board
2020 – 2021Equity Advisory Committee. Designing equity curriculum for CPP faculty.
2020 –Voter Mobilization Committee, Cal Poly Pomona.
2020Wall of COOL (Celebrating Outstanding Opportunities for Learning) Committee. Awarding faculty for exemplary course design using technology.
2019 – 2020Equity Liaison, Philosophy Department Search Committee
2019 –Office of Undergraduate Research, Faculty Fellow
2019 –Coordinator, Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) Advocates
2019 SpringFocus Group Conductor, Project PASSION, exploring Cal Poly Pomona undergraduate men’s experiences in introductory physics and calculus courses.
2019 –Cal Poly Pomona Expert, with expertise in Philosophy of Race and Feminism, Social and Political Philosophy, Implicit Bias, Implicit Bias Training, Implicit Bias & Politics, Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, and Consciousness
2018 – 2020Faculty Representative for the Council for Faculty and Graduate Scholarship, College of Letters, Arts, & Social Sciences (CLASS), Cal Poly Pomona.
2018 – 2019Equity Liaison Training Committee, Cal Poly Pomona.
2018 – 2019Dean’s Invited Lecture Series Committee, CLASS, Cal Poly Pomona.
2018 – 2019CLASS Assessment Committee, Cal Poly Pomona.
2018 – 2020Learn Through Discovery Task Force, Cal Poly Pomona.
2018 –Referee (over 100 verified reviews on Publons), Oxford University Press, Mind, Ethics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Philosophers’ ImprintPhilosophical Quarterly, Synthese, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical StudiesMind & Language, ErgoEuropean Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Psychology, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Journal of Social Philosophy, Journal of Social Ontology, Erkenntnis, Public Affairs Quarterly, Episteme, Res Philosophica, Theoria, Topoi, International Journal of STEM Education, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, IEEE Access (journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)Journal of Value InquiryPhilosophical ExplorationsReview of Philosophy & Psychology
2017 – 2020 Webmaster, Department of Philosophy, Cal Poly Pomona.
2017 –Qualtrics Administrator, Department of Philosophy, Cal Poly Pomona.
2013 – 2018Refereed manuscripts for MIT Press, Routledge Press, Philosophical Review, Canadian Journal of PhilosophyJournal of Political PhilosophyHypatiaFeminist Philosophical Quarterly, Consciousness and CognitionCognitive Science SocietyTeaching Philosophy, European Journal for Philosophy of ScienceNeuroethicsPhilosophy Compass
May 2016Conference Organizer, Philosophy of Implicit Bias, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA.​
Fall 2015 Implicit Bias & Stereotype Threat Training for administrators, faculty, staff, and students, Cal Poly Pomona, CA.
April 2012 Assistant Organizer, two-day conference on Evil, Columbia University. Conference includes public lecture, “Evil to the Core,” and workshop for contributors to Evil: A History, eds. Andrew Chignell & Scott MacDonald, Oxford Philosophical Concepts.
April 2011“Plagiarism: Deterrence and Detection,” Columbia University, Core Curriculum Office.
2010 – 2011Content Contributor, website for Literature Humanities: Masterpieces of Western Literature and Philosophy, Columbia University.
2008 – 2010Graduate Student Advisory Council Representative, Columbia 
2009Graduate Student Advisor, Columbia University Insurance Renewal Committee, for reviewing and selecting 2009-10 student insurance program.
2006 – 2007Curriculum Developer, Adult Computer Literacy Program, Community Impact Program, Columbia University.
2005Instructor, Adult Computer Literacy, Beginner Microsoft Word & Excel, Community Impact Program, Columbia University.
2005Conference Coordinator, Columbia/NYU Graduate Student Philosophy 
2005 – 2011Reviewer, Columbia/NYU Graduate Student Philosophy Conference.

Other Activities

2015Implicit Bias Training, Pima County Courts (Juvenile Court Center, Arizona Superior Court, and Consolidated Justice Court), Tucson, AZ.
2012-14Participant, Psychology of Public Policy Lab, Director: Jack Glaser, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Goldman School of Public Policy.
2013-14Participant, Culture, Diversity & Intergroup Relations Lab, Director: Victoria Plaut, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.
2012-16  Wikipedia Contributor, creating and editing pages on notable women and minority philosophers, and on feminist philosophy. Co-Organizer, Wikipedia on the Margins: Women, Minorities, and Philosophy, with Kevin Gorman (Regional Ambassador for the Wikipedia-in-Education program in California and Hawaii), University of California, Berkeley.


Professor Jennifer Saul
Philosophy Department
University of Waterloo
Professor Peter Ross
Philosophy Department
Cal Poly Pomona
Professor Taylor Carman
Philosophy Department
Barnard College
Professor Bertram Gawronski
Psychology Department
University of Texas, Austin

Professor Michael Brownstein
Philosophy Department
John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)

Professor Edouard Machery
History and Philosophy of Science
University of Pittsburgh
Professor Christia Mercer
Philosophy Department
Columbia University
Tamar Szabó Gendler
Philosophy Department
Yale University
Professor Jack Glaser
Goldman School of Public Policy
University of California, Berkeley